National cervical cancer screening campaign under way Today sees the kick-off of the national campaign: Let’s talk about cervical cancer – have you #done the smear test or self-test yet? This marks the first time that RIVM, Bevolkingsonderzoek Nederland and the KWF Dutch Cancer Society are launching a joint campaign to call attention to cervical cancer screening.
Smokers inhale more tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide when measured with WHO method RIVM has measured the amount of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide (TNCO) in all filter cigarettes sold in the Netherlands with the WHO Intense method.
Self-sampling device to be sent automatically, making it easier to take part in cervical cancer screening From the first week of July, every woman turning 30 will receive a self-sampling device with their invitation for cervical cancer screening. Participants can use this device to collect their own vaginal material.
Darker cigarettes and other measures to make cigarettes less appealing There are a number of measures that can be implemented to make cigarettes less appealing and less addictive. For example, manufacturers could make cigarettes a darker colour. They could also stop using ingredients like sugars and flavourings.
Grey heron infected with West Nile virus A grey heron in the Noord-Holland-Noord region has tested positive for the West Nile virus. The virus is rare in the Netherlands. Bas van de Meulengraaf
Menthol facilitates inhalation of tobacco smoke, even when you cannot taste it Even when menthol cannot be tasted, the substance makes it easier to inhale tobacco smoke. This way, menthol makes smoking more attractive for young and novice smokers who are not yet used to inhaling sharp, pungent tobacco smoke.
Research: HPV vaccine is safe RIVM research shows no causal link between the vaccine against cervical cancer (HPV) and long-term fatigue symptoms in girls.
RIVM measures much higher levels of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes Tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide (TNCO) levels measured in accordance with the Canadian Intense (CI) method are at least twice as high as the levels measured in accordance with the prescribed ISO
Addictive nicotine and harmful substances also present in heated tobacco Heated tobacco products are newly available on the market. An example of such a product is the heatstick which is heated with an iQOS, a device that looks like an e-cigarette.
RIVM withdraws from tobacco committees The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment will leave the NEN/CEN/ISO committees for tobacco and e-cigarettes with immediate effect.