Compliance with coronavirus measures has improved Autumn 2020 saw a strong surge in the number of people who tested positive for COVID-19.
Preparations for COVID-19 vaccinations now in progress RIVM is preparing for implementation of the coronavirus vaccinations. As soon as there is a safe and effective vaccine against the novel coronavirus, it will be quickly and carefully deployed to vaccinate the target groups.
R number rises to 1, decrease in newly reported COVID-19 infections slows In the past week, the Municipal Health Services (GGDs) reported 36,931 new reports of confirmed COVID infections. This is about the same as in the previous week, when 37,706 new COVID-19 infections were reported (-2%).
New data on antimicrobial resistance in Europe New data on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in European countries is now available in the sixth annual report of the Central Asian and European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (CAESAR) netw
Second wave is subsiding far slower than the first wave For the second week in a row, the number of newly reported COVID-19 infections decreased last week compared to the week before that.
Decrease in COVID-19 cases as expected, high number of contagious people persists The number of newly reported COVID-19 infections decreased last week compared to the week before that. The number of newly reported infections is dropping in all regions.
Coronavirus monitoring in sewage now easier to compare on Coronavirus Dashboard Starting this week, the measurement results from the sewage research in various municipalities and security regions can be compared on the Coronavirus Dashboard.
Slight decrease in newly reported COVID-19 infections, R still above 1 The number of newly reported COVID-19 infections decreased slightly last week compared to the week before that. Reproduction number R is still entirely above 1.
Reported COVID-19 infections are still rising, but less rapidly The number of reported COVID-19 infections continued increasing last week. However, the number of newly reported infections once again rose less quickly than in the week before that.
Coronavirus measures: public support remains high, despite concerns With the rapid increase in infections, people estimate their own risk of becoming infected as higher than it was 6 weeks ago (previously 10%, now 18%).