CAESAR annual report 2014 The World Health Organization (WHO) published its first CAESAR annual report 2014.
Major loss of healthy life years due to long-term complaints after Lyme disease The Netherlands is the first country where the burden of disease due to Lyme disease has been determined.
Antibiotic resistance is stable, however, more resistant bacteria are expected Over recent years, antibiotic resistance to most agents has remained stable in the Netherlands, and the use of antibiotics has slightly decreased.
RIVM designated as WHO Collaborating Centre Antimicrobial Resistance Epidemiology and Surveillance AMR is one of the major global challenges in infectious disease control.
Monitoring of the medical team involved in the care of Ebola patient concluded The Nigerian Ebola patient admitted to the Major Incident Hospital was declared cured 21 days ago.
Patient in Radboudumc not contaminated with the Ebola virus The patient, who was admitted in the Radboud univerisity medical center over the past few days because of a suspected Ebola infection, was proven not to be infected.
European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2014 Tuesday 18 November is European Antibiotic Awareness Day. On this day, throughout Europe, attention is focused on the responsible use of antibiotics for people and animals.
Active monitoring period for Ebola ends for evacuated aid workers As 21 days have passed since the two aid workers evacuated from Sierra Leone had unprotected contact with Ebola patients, active monitoring of their health status by the Community Health Service ha
The two Dutch patients are not infected with Ebola virus The two patients, who have been admitted to the hospital under suspicion of an Ebola infection, are not infected with the virus.
Patient admitted for Ebola assessment On 22 September, following the request of the General Practitioner, a patient was transported to the Radboudumc in order to undergo further medical assessment.