Call for circular designers If you work on a circular solution or products, you can get lost in the complexity of quality labels, marketing strategies, advice and prohibitions.
Emphasising safety and sustainability in circular design A stronger focus on safety, health and sustainability is needed in designing circular products. When basic resources are re-used in new products, health risks should be avoided.
More health complaints after flooding After heavy rainfall, flooding can occur in urban areas. Direct contact with this water leads to an increased risk of health problems. This type of rainfall is increasingly expected in the future.
If you have found a tick bite, check for others! One in five people who report having been bitten by a tick on report that they have more than one tick bite. If you have found one tick bite, check for others!
Nature and green in the city contribute to the well-being of citizens of Amsterdam The municipality of Amsterdam aims to make the city greener. To gain more insight into the benefits of green infrastructure, it commissioned the development of four different scenarios. For every scenario, and for the current situation, RIVM has calculated the value for the living environment of the city.
Breast implants and the risk of BIA-ALCL For Allergan Biocell breast implants an increased risk of BIA-ALCL (a very rare type of lymphoma) is plausible. The cases of BIA-ALCL in the Netherlands are predominantly found with Biocell and other breast implants with a rough surface. However, RIVM found insufficient evidence that other breast implants with a rough surface present a similar risk as Biocell implants. This is due to the small number of BIA-ALCL cases and the limited use of these other implants.
Sustainable procurement has positive effects With sustainable procurement, authorities give a strong impulse to the circular, carbon neutral economy.
Freezing filet americain leads to a decrease in disease burden, healthcare costs and costs for special education If the popular Dutch spread for on bread made of raw ground beef, called filet americain is frozen for a minimum of 48 hours at a temperature of -12 degrees, a Toxoplasma infection is prevented.
GPs mainly provide exercise advice if it will help reduce the health complaint General Practitioners (GPs) mainly give their patients advice to engage in physical activity when exercise can reduce health complaints.
Nearly one-quarter of the Dutch population suffers from complaints or disorders of the digestive system Nearly 1 in 4 people in the Netherlands were registered at their general practitioner in 2017 with stomach, bowel or liver problems. This involves more than 3.7 million people.