Norovirus leading cause food-related outbreaks More outbreaks of food-related infections and food poisoning were reported in 2016 than in 2015.
Citizen Science for Public Health: a promising approach Citizen Science is a new approach for the public health field.
Influenza epidemic winter 2016/2017 longer than average During the winter of 2016/2017 the influenza epidemic lasted for 15 weeks. This is longer than the nine-week average epidemic duration in the twenty previous seasons.
Proposal for water quality standards for PFOA RIVM proposes water quality standards for perfluoro octanoic acid (PFOA). PFOA is a man-made chemical that is used to protect surfaces.
RIVM to lead innovative European efforts on health promoting health systems How can we strengthen and support health promoting approaches within the broader health and social care system? And how can we best include other sectors in this process?
Policies on magnetic fields of power lines in five countries reviewed Policies on magnetic fields from power lines in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany and the United Kingdom are based on different considerations.
Water Safety Planning and Water Quality Monitoring Ethiopia From 20–26 August 2017, Harold van den Berg (RIVM) and Bettina Rickert (Umweltbundesamt, Germany) visited Ethiopia for the continuation of the project Source to Tap and Back.
Practical training on Water Quality Monitoring in Tajikistan For the WHO-EURO project “Small and safe: scaling-up water safety planning and effective water quality monitoring in rural Tajikistan”, Harold van den Berg (RIVM) visited the five Sanitary Epidemio
Risk assessment of nanoparticles in the environment Nanotechnology is being used for many everyday life products such as in medicine, deodorants, sunscreens or socks.
What is on our plate? Safe, healthy and sustainable diets in the Netherlands Last January RIVM published a report with facts and figures about the Dutch dietary pattern and an analysis where sustainable, healthy and safe food can strengthen each other.