Municipal Public Health Services once again conduct more STI consultations than before COVID-19 The number of STI consultations at the Sexual Health Centres of the Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs) was 19% higher in 2022 compared to 2021.
Fewer reports of tick bites in 2022 In 2022, the reported number of tick bites in the Netherlands fell by a third compared to previous years. In order to find a satisfactory explanation for such differences, researchers at WUR and RIVM have initiated a large-scale study via This will give them more insights into the 1.5 million tick bites in the Netherlands every year.
No reduction in number of young people with suicidal thoughts In March 2023, 14.1% of young people in the Netherlands (aged 12-25 years) reported seriously thinking about ending their life occasionally, often or very often.
Spring sunshine forecast: enjoy, but do not get a sunburn According to the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, the sun will be shining frequently the upcoming days. If you are planning to go out and enjoy the sunshine, please do so responsibly.
From 1 October 2023, heel prick test also screens for metabolic disorder ALD From 1 October 2023, the blood of newborn babies will also be tested for the metabolic disorder adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). This is done with the heel prick screening test.
Darker cigarettes and other measures to make cigarettes less appealing There are a number of measures that can be implemented to make cigarettes less appealing and less addictive. For example, manufacturers could make cigarettes a darker colour. They could also stop using ingredients like sugars and flavourings.
RIVM prepares a recommended list of banned substances in tobacco products and e-cigarettes The goal of the European Tobacco Products Directive is to make tobacco products and e-cigarettes less harmful, addictive and attractive. The directive does not specifically state which substances are not allowed in tobacco products and e-cigarettes.
European air quality limit values can be met if proposed policy measures are implemented In 2022, the European Commission introduced a proposal for stricter air quality standards. With existing policy measures, the air quality in most of the Netherlands will meet these requirements by 2030.
Brief decline in air quality over Easter RIVM expects the air quality to be poor or very poor for a brief period over Easter, particularly in areas where Easter fires are lit. This is because the burning of wood leads to high local concentrations of particulate matter in the air. These high concentrations may cause health problems. People affected by these problems are advised to avoid strenuous physical activity.
Post-COVID less common after Omicron infection After a SARS-CoV-2 infection involving Omicron, 1 in 10 people still have symptoms three months later. This is almost 2 times lower than after an infection involving the Delta variant. This is evident from new results of the LongCOVID study at RIVM. There is variation in the frequency of specific post-COVID symptoms after an infection with the Omicron or Delta variant.