For the first time in five years, the number of children receiving vaccinations from the National Immunisation Programme has increased slightly. This is according to RIVM’s report Immunisation coverage and annual report National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands 2019.
National immunisation coverage
Vaccination coverage for most of the vaccinations in the National Immunisation Programme increased slightly compared to the previous year. 92.6 per cent of children received the DKTP vaccinations at the age of two, and 93.6 per cent the BMR vaccination. Of the children born in 2017, 90.8 per cent participated fully in the National Immunisation Programme. This means that they received all vaccinations according to the vaccination schedule before reaching the age of two.
Vaccination rate HPV increased
National immunisation coverage for HPV (cervical cancer) for girls born in 2005 increased by 7.5 per cent to 53 per cent. That figure is even higher (58.5 per cent) if we include vaccinations given after the 14th birthday.
High vaccination coverage against meningococcal disease
Because of the outbreak of meningococcal disease W, the meningococcal C vaccination for babies was extended in 2018 to cover several types, including meningococcal W. In 2018 and 2019, young people born from 2001-2005 were also invited for a meningococcal ACWY vaccination. The present national participation rate among youngsters in this new ACWY-vaccination is high (86 per cent).
Smaller chance of outbreaks
Higher vaccination coverage reduces the risk of future outbreaks of diseases such as measles. It is therefore essential to keep a close eye on these developments. On an international level, vaccination coverage in the Netherlands can be considered high, with an exception for HPV. This also applies to the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.