The percentage of participants (47%) that lost at least 5% of their weight was higher at the end of the entire CLI programme than in the first phase. This is shown by the latest RIVM report on the Combined Lifestyle Intervention (CLI). The report also shows that participants continue to place more value in their quality of life after the end of the programme.
With the CLI, people are given guidance and advice on healthy nutrition, eating habits and exercise. The programme has enabled adults to change their lifestyle and behaviour since 2019. It is covered by basic health insurance, subject to certain conditions. It is a two-year programme, consisting of two phases. After the first phase, a treatment phase of nine months, 32% of participants had lost at least 5% of their weight. After the second phase, this had increased to 47%. The results of the first phase are retained, or even improve during the second phase. Weight loss of at least 5% is considered a significant difference by the guideline for Overweight and Obesity.
Improvement in quality of life continues
Besides the weight loss, the quality of life also continued to improve after the treatment programme. During the first phase, the quality of life scored 7.5 points higher (on a scale from 0 to 100). This increased to 12.9 points at the end of the programme. This significant increase shows that the CLI has an impact on more than just weight loss.
Role of RIVM
RIVM has been monitoring the development of the CLI on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport since 2019. It publishes data on the CLI twice a year. These are based on claims data from care insurers and, since August 2021, from the CLI register. This register is continuously updated with data on participants.
Number of people starting out continues to grow
Since the last report, the total number of people that have started the CLI has increased from 82 thousand to 102 thousand, an increase of 24%. The number of people that started in 2023 is roughly the same as in 2022.
Follow-up study on dropouts
RIVM will continue to follow the CLI until 2026. In 2024, more research will be conducted on dropouts from the CLI programme. This research will focus on the reasons that can cause participants to quit the programme prematurely. The role of obesity medication in the results achieved with the CLI programme will also be investigated.