Preparing for RSV Immunisation and Surveillance in Europe

Paving the way to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) prevention, treatment and immunisation

PROMISE will continue advancing scientific knowledge on RSV to better inform public health strategies and to support the development and monitoring of novel immunisation and therapeutics against this potentially deadly virus in the paediatric and elderly populations. PROMISE builds on the results of the Respiratory Syncytial Virus Consortium in Europe project (RESCEU), another Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) project focusing on RSV.

The project has started on 1 November 2021 and will run for approximately 2,5 years. 

RIVM colleagues involved: Anne Teirlinck, Adam Meijer, Lance Presser, Michiel van Boven and Rob van Binnendijk.


This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement 101034339. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.