Stated below are the most frequently asked questions. If your question is not on this list you can always contact us on

  1. Is it possible to use SPADE outside RIVM?
    Yes, the Program can be requested, see Access to SPADE
  2. What are the costs?
    SPADE is freely available.
  3. Is the method published?
    A comprehensive description of SPADE is published  in: Dekkers ALM, Verkaik-Kloosterman J, van Rossum CTM, Ocké MC (2014). SPADE, a new statistical program to estimate habitual dietary intake from multiple food sources and dietary supplements. J Nutr. 144(12): 2083-2091.
  4. What is the best reference?
    If habitual intake results generated with SPADE are published, the use of SPADE (with version number) should be referenced. Further, the paper with the comprehensive description of SPADE should be referenced: Dekkers ALM, Verkaik-Kloosterman J, van Rossum CTM, Ocké MC (2014). SPADE, a new statistical program to estimate habitual dietary intake from multiple food sources and dietary supplements. J Nutr.144(12): 2083-2091.
  5. If I think I found a mistake in the program, is it possible to let somebody know?
    Should you find any errors or have any comments or suggestions, please contact our team (Arnold Dekkers, Janneke Verkaik-Kloosterman, Marjolein de Jong  and Marga Ocké) working on SPADE:
  6. Are there alternative options than SPADE to model the habitual/usual intake distribution?
    Yes, various options are available, such as MCRA, PC-side (formerly C-SIDE), NCI-usual intake, and MSM. Using the basic models the results of the different methods is generally similar. However each software has its specific features and aspects that my result in preference of one above the other; e.g. availability of specific models, availability, costs, user-friendliness [Souverein, 2011]. See for more detail Spade and other programs for habitual intake.