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Spring 1990, 93 meat products and 17 samples of minced meat were collected from all over the country and analysed for occurrence and content of sulphanilamide, sulphadimidine, sulphadoxine, sulphadiazine and sulphachinoxaline as well as Dapsone. All 110 samples were screened by thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) for these compounds and subsequently six samples, for which there were indications for the presence of these analytes, were quantitatively assayed with HPLC/DAD. In none of these samples measurable amounts of sulphonamides and/or Dapsone were found i.e. if present the content of the compounds involved is well below 0.02 mg/kg. Since 1987 three studies of this type have been completed. In this period the percent of samples in which measurable amounts of sulphonamides and Dapsone were found dropped from 9% in 1987 to 0% now. For the time being the advise is to discontinue these investigations.

