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Artikelen van RIVM auteurs verschenen in 2009
(Overview of journal articles published in 2009)
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Reuman DC ; Mulder C ; Banasek-Richter C ; Cattin Blandenier MF ; Breure AM ; Hollander H den ; Kneitel JM ; Raffaelli D ; Woodward D ; Cohen JE
Allometry of body size and abundance in 166 food webs
Adv Ecol Res 2009; 41:1-44

Reuman DC ; Cohen JE ; Mulder C
Human and environmental factors influence soil faunal abundance-mass allometry and structure
Advances Ecol Res 2009; 41:46-82

Veen MG van ; Kramer MA ; Op de Coul EL ; Leeuwen AP van ; Zwart O de ; Laar MJ van de ; Coutinho RA ; Prins M
Disassortative sexual mixing among migrant populations in The Netherlands: a potential for HIV/STI transmission?
AIDS Care 2009; 21(6):683-91

Urbanus AT ; Laar TJ van de ; Stolte IG ; Schinkel J ; Heijman T ; Coutinho RA ; Prins M
Hepatitis C virus infections among HIV-infected men who have sex with men: an expanding epidemic
AIDS 2009; 23(12):F1-7

Reniers G ; Araya T ; Davey G ; Nagelkerke N ; Berhane Y ; Coutinho R ; Sanders EJ
Steep declines in population-level AIDS mortality following the introduction of antirretroviral therapy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
AIDS 2009; 23(4):511-81

Pappalardo G ; Bosenberg J ; Amodeo A ; Ansmann A ; Apituley A ; Arboledas LA ; Balis D ; Bockmann C ; Chaikovsky A ; Comeron A ; D'Amico G ; Freudenthaler V ; Grigorov I ; Hansen G ; Linne H ; Kinne S ; Mattis I ; Mona L ; Mueller D ; Mitev V ; Nicolae D ; Papayannis A ; Perrone MR ; Pietruczuk A ; Pujadas M ; Putaud JP ; Ravetta F ; Rizi V ; Simeonov V ; Spinelli N ; Trickl T ; Wandinger U ; Wiegner M
Earlinet: The European aerosol research lidar network for the aerosol climatology on continental scale
AIP Conference Proc 2009; 1100:189-92

Schuttelaar MLA ; Kerkhof M ; Jonkman MF ; Koppelman GH ; Brunekreef B ; Jongste JC de ; Wijga A ; McLean WHI ; Postma DS
Filaggrin mutations in the onset of eczema, sensitization, asthma, hay fever and the interaction with cat exposure
Allergy 2009; 64(12):1758-65

Kerkhof M ; Wijga AH ; Brunekreef B ; Smit HA ; Jongste JC de ; Aalberse RC ; Hoekstra MO ; Gerritsen J ; Postma DS
Effects of pets on asthma development up to 8 years of age: the PIAMA study
Allergy 2009; 64(2):1202-8

Reijmerink NE ; Kerkhof M ; Koppelman GH ; Gerritsen J ; Jongste JC de ; Smit HA ; Brunekreef B ; Postma DS
Smoke exposure interacts with ADAM33 polymorphisms in the development of lung function and hyperresponsiveness
Allergy 2009; 64(6):898-904

Vonk JA ; Benigni R ; Hewitt M ; Nendza M ; Segner H ; Meent D van de ; Cronin MT
The use of mechanisms and modes of toxic action in integrated testing strategies: the report and recommendations of a workshop held as part of the European Union OSIRIS integrated project
Altern Lab Anim 2009; 37(5):557-71

Forouhi NG ; Sharp SJ ; Du H ; A DL van der ; Halkjaer J ; Schulze MB ; Tjonneland A ; Overvad K ; Jakobsen MU ; Boeing H ; Buijsse B ; Palli D ; Masala G ; Feskens EJM ; Sorensen TIA ; Wareham NJ
Dietary fat intake and subsequent weight change in adults: results from the European Prospective Investigation into cancer and nutrition cohorts
Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 90(6):1632-41

Buijsse B ; Feskens EJM ; Schulze MB ; Forouhi NG ; Wareham NJ ; Sharp S ; Palli D ; Tognon G ; Halkjaer J ; Tjonneland A ; Jakobsen MU ; Overvad K ; A DL van der ; Du H ; Sorensen TIA ; Boeing H
Fruit and vegetable intakes and subsequent changes in body weight in European populations: results from the project on Diet, Obesity, and Genes (DiOGenes)
Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 90(1):202-9

Duijnhoven FJB van ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Ferrari P ; Jenab M ; Boshuizen HC ; Ros MM ; Casagrande C ; Tjonneland A ; Olsen A ; Overvad K ; Thorlacius-Ussing O ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Morois S ; Kaaks R ; Linseisen J ; Boeing H ; Nothlings U ; Trichopoulou A ; Trichopoulos D ; Misirli G ; Palli D ; Sieri S ; Panico S ; Tumino R ; Vineis P ; Peeters PHM ; Gils CH van ; Ocke MC ; Lund E ; Engeset D ; Skeie G ; Rodriguez Suarez L ; Gonzalez CA ; Sanchez MJ ; Dorronsoro M ; Navarro C ; Barricarte A ; Berglund G ; Manjer J ; Hallmans G ; Palmqvist R ; Bingham SA ; Khaw KT ; Key TJ ; Allen NE ; Boffetta P ; Slimani N ; Rinaldi S ; Gallo V ; Norat T ; Riboli E
Fruit, vegetables, and colorectal cancer risk: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89(5):1441-52

Pala V ; Krogh V ; Berrino F ; Sieri S ; Grioni S ; Tjonneland A ; Olsen A ; Uhre Jakobsen M ; Overvad K ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Romieu I ; Linseisen J ; Rohrmann S ; Boeing H ; Steffen A ; Trichopoulou A ; Benetou V ; Naska A ; Vineis P ; Tumino R ; Panico S ; Masala G ; Agnoli C ; Engeset D ; Skeie G ; Lund E ; Ardanaz E ; Navarro C ; Sanchez MJ ; Amiano P ; Gonzalez Svatetz CA ; Rodriguez L ; Wirfalt E ; Manjer J ; Lenner P ; Hallmans G ; Peeters PHM ; Gils CH van ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Duijnhoven FJB van ; Key TJ ; Spencer E ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Ferrari P ; Byrnes G ; Rinaldi S ; Norat T ; Michaud DS ; Riboli E
Meat, eggs, dairy products, and risk of breast cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort
Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 90(3):602-12

Saadatian-Elahi M ; Slimani N ; Chajes C ; Jenab M ; Goudable J ; Biessy C ; Ferrari P ; Byrnes G ; Autier P ; Peeters PHM ; Ocke M ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Johansson I ; Hallmans G ; Manjer J ; Wirfalt E ; Gonzalez CA ; Navarro C ; Martinez C ; Amiano P ; Rodriguez Suarez L ; Ardanaz E ; Tjonneland A ; Halkjaer J ; Overvad K ; Uhre Jakobsen M ; Berrino F ; Pala V ; Palli D ; Tumino R ; Vineis P ; Santucci de Magistris M ; Spencer EA ; Crowe FL ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Linseisen J ; Rohrmann S ; Boeing H ; Noethlings U ; Standahl Olsen K ; Skeie G ; Lund E ; Trichopoulou A ; Oustoglou E ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Riboli E
Plasma phospholipid fatty acid profiles and their association with food intakes: results from a cross-sectional study within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89(1):331-46

Lynch SM ; Vrieling A ; Lubin JH ; Kraft P ; Mendelsohn JB ; Hartge P ; Canzian F ; Steplowski E ; Arslan AA ; Gross M ; Helzlsouer K ; Jacobs EJ ; LaCroix A ; Petersen G ; Zheng W ; Albanes D ; Amundadottir L ; Bingham SA ; Boffetta P ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Chanock SJ ; Clipp S ; Hoover RN ; Jacobs K ; Johnson KC ; Kooperberg C ; Luo J ; Messina C ; Pallo D ; Patel AV ; Riboli E ; Shu XO ; Rodriguez Suarez L ; Thomas G ; Tjonneland A ; Tobias GS ; Tong E ; Trichopoulos D ; Virtamo J ; Ye W ; Yu K ; Zeleniuch-Jacquette A ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ
Cigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer: a pooled analysis from the pancreatic cancer cohort consortium
Am J Epidemiol 2009; 170(4):403-13

Ballegooijen WM van ; Houdt R van ; Bruisten SM ; Boot HJ ; Coutinho RA ; Wallinga J
Molecular sequence data of hepatitis B virus and genetic diversity after vaccination
Am J Epidemiol 2009; 170(12):1455-63

Ballegooijen WM van ; Houdt R van ; Bruisten SM ; Boot HJ ; Coutinho RA ; Wallinga J
Respond to 'Evaluating vaccination programs using genetic sequence data'
Am J Epidemiol 2009; 170(12):1467-8

Travis RC ; Crowe FL ; Allen NE ; Appleby PN ; Roddam AW ; Tjonneland A ; Olsen A ; Linseisen J ; Kaaks R ; Boeing H ; Kroger J ; Trichopoulou A ; Dilis V ; Trichopoulos D ; Vineis P ; Palli D ; Tumino R ; Sieri S ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Duijnhoven FJB van ; Chirlaque MD ; Barricarte A ; Larranaga N ; Gonzalez CA ; Arguelles MV ; Sanchez MJ ; Stattin P ; Hallmans G ; Khaw KT ; Bingham S ; Rinaldi S ; Slimani N ; Jenab M ; Riboli E ; Key TJ
Serum vitamin D and risk of prostate cancer in a case-control analysis nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)
Am J Epidemiol 2009; 169(10):1223-32

Zattra E ; Coleman C ; Arad S ; Helms E ; Levine D ; Bord E ; Guillaume A ; El-Hajahmad M ; Zwart E ; Steeg H van ; Gonzalez S ; Kishore R ; Goukassian DA
Polypodium leucotomos extract decreases UV-induced Cox-2 expression and inflammation enhances DNA repair, and decreases mutagenesis in hairless mice
Am J Pathol 2009; 175(5):1952-61

Wendel-Vos GCW ; Dutman AE ; Verschuuren WMM ; Ronckers ET ; Ament A ; Assema P van ; Ree J van ; Ruland EC ; Schuit AJ
Lifestyle factors of a five-year community-intervention program. The Hartslag Limburg Intervention
Am J Prev Med 2009; 37(1):50-6

Bogt NCW ter ; Bemelmans WJE ; Beltman FW ; Broer J ; Smit AJ ; Meer K van der
Preventing weight gain: one-year results of a randomized lifestyle intervention
Am J Prev Med 2009; 37(4):270-7

Caudri D ; Wijga A ; Scholtens S ; Kerkhof M ; Gerritsen J ; Ruskamp JM ; Brunekreef B ; Smit HA ; Jongste JC de
Early daycare is associated with an increase in airway symptoms in early childhood but is no protection against asthma or atopy at 8 years
Am J Respir Crit Care 2009; 180(6):491-8

Baas MC ; Donselaar KAMI van ; Florquin S ; Binnendijk RS van ; Berge IJM ten ; Bemelman FJ
Mumps: not an innocent bystander in solid organ transplantation
Am J Transplant 2009; 9(9):2186-9

Nooyens ACJ
Epidemiological studies of weight gain and its determinants
Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 2009. Proefschrift

Stolker AAM ; Groot MJ ; Lasaroms JJP ; Nijrolder AWJM ; Blokland MH ; Riedmaier I ; Becker C ; Meyer HHD ; Nielen MWF
Detectability of testosterone esters and estradiol benzoate in bovine hair and plasma following pour-on treatment
Anal Bioanal Chem 2009; 395(4):1075-87

Houtman CJ ; Sterk SS ; Heijning MPM van de ; Brouwer A ; Stephany RW ; Burg B van der ; Sonneveld E
Detection of anabolic androgenic steroid abuse in doping control using mammalian reporter gene bioassays
Anal Chim Acta 2009; 637(1-2):247-58

Townshend A ; Brabander HF de; Ginkel LA van ; Sterk S ; Bergwerff A ; eds.
Papers presented at EuroResidue VI, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, May 2008
Anal Chim Acta 2009; 637(1-2)

Sullivan PS ; Hamouda O ; Delpech V ; Geduld JE ; Prejean J ; Semaille C ; Kaldor J ; Folc C ; Op de Coul E ; Marcus U ; Hughes G ; Archibald CP ; Cazein F ; McDonald A ; Casabona J ; Sighem A van ; Fenton KA ; The Annecy MSM Epidemiology study group
Reemergence of the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men in North America, Western Europe, and Australia, 1996-2005
Ann Epidemiol 2009; 19(6):423-31

Zuidgeest MGP ; Dijk L van ; Spreeuwenberg P ; Smit HA ; Brunekreef B ; Arets HGM ; Bracke M ; Leufkens HGM
What drives prescribing of asthma medication to children? A multilevel population-based study
Ann Fam Med 2009; 7(1):32-40

Gallo V ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Vermeulen R ; Andersen PM ; Kyrozis A ; Linseisen J ; Kaaks R ; Allen NE ; Roddam AW ; Boshuizen HC ; Peeters PH ; Palli D ; Mattiello A ; Sieri S ; Tumino R ; Jimenez-Martin JM ; Diaz MJ ; Suarex LR ; Trichopoulou A ; Agudo A ; Arriola L ; Barricante-Gurrea A ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Manjer J ; Lindkvist B ; Overvad K ; Bach FW ; Tjonneland A ; Olsen A ; Bergmann MM ; Boeing H ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Lund E ; Hallmans G ; Middleton L ; Vineis P ; Riboli E
Smoking and risk for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: analysis of the EPIC cohort
Ann Neurol 2009; 65(4):378-85

Elmadfa I ; Meyer A ; Nowak V ; Hasenegger V ; Putz P ; Verstraeten R ; Remaut-DeWinter AM ; Kolsteren P ; Dostalova J ; Dlouhy P ; Trolle E ; Fagt S ; Biltoft-Jensen A ; Mathiessen J ; Velsing Groth M ; Kambek L ; Gluskova N ; Voutilainen S ; Erkkila A ; Vernay M ; Krems C ; Strassburg A ; Vasquez-Caicedo AL ; Urban C ; Naska A ; Efstathopoulou E ; Oikonomou E ; Tsiotas K ; Buntziouka V ; Benetou V ; Trichopoulou A ; Zajkas G ; Kovacs V ; Martos E ; Heavey P ; Kelleher C ; Kennedy J ; Turrini A ; Selga G ; Sauka M ; Petkevicience J ; Klumbiene J ; Holm Totland T ; Andersen LF ; Halicka E ; Rejman K ; Kowrygo B ; Rodrigues S ; Pinhao S ; Ferreira LS ; Lopes C ; Ramos E ; Vaz Almeida MD ; Vlad M ; Simcic M ; Podgrajsek K ; Serra Majem L ; Roman Vinas B ; Ngo J ; Ribas Barba L ; Becker W ; Fransen H ; Rossum B van ; Ocke M ; Margetts B ; Rutten A ; Abu-Omar K ; Gelius P ; Cattaneo A
European Nutrition and Health Report 2009
Ann Nutr Metab 2009; 55(Suppl 2):1-40

Jonges M ; Lubben IM van der ; Dijkstra F ; Verhoef L ; Koopmans M ; Meijer A
Dynamics of antiviral-resistant influenza viruses in the Netherlands, 2005-2008
Antiviral Res 2009; 83(3):290-7

Verwer CM ; Amerongen G van ; Bos R van den ; Hendriksen CFM
Handling effects on body weight and behaviour of group-housed male rabbits in a laboratory setting
Appl Anim Behav Sci 2009; 117(1-2):93-102

Ros J ; Nagelhout D ; Montfoort J
New environmental policy for system innovation: Casus alternatives for fossil motor fuels
Appl Energy 2009; 86(2):243-50

Roda Husman AM de ; Lodder WJ ; Rutjes SA ; Schijven JF ; Teunis PFM
Long-term inactivation study of three enteroviruses in artificial surface and groundwaters, using PCR and cell culture
Appl Environ Microbiol 2009; 75(4):1050-7

Hornstra LM ; Voort M van der ; Wijnands LM ; Roubos-van den Hill PJ ; Abee T
Role of germinant receptors in Caco-2 cell-initiated germination of Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579 endospores
Appl Environ Microbiol 2009; 75(4):1201-3

Eekeren N van ; Liere D van ; Vries F de ; Rutgers M ; Goede R de ; Brussaard L
A mixture of grass and clover combines the positive effects of both plant species on selected soil biota
Appl Soil Ecol 2009; 42(3):254-63

Li L ; Zhou D ; Wang P ; Peijnenburg WJGM
Kinetics of cadmium uptake and subcellular partitioning in the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to cadmium-contaminated soil
Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 2009; 57(4):718-24

Mulder C ; Lotz LAP
Biotechnology, environmental forcing, and unintended trophic cascades
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 2009; 3:131-9

Kuijsten A ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Boer JM ; Arts IC ; Kok FJ ; Veer P van 't ; Hollman PC
Plasma enterolignans are not associated with nonfatal myocardial infarction risk
Atherosclerosis 2009; 203(1):145-52

Marx-Stoelting P ; Adriaens E ; Ahr HJ ; Bremer S ; Garthoff B ; Gelbke H-P ; Piersma A ; Pellizzer C ; Reuter U ; Rogiers V ; Schenk B ; Schwengberg S ; Seiler A ; Spielmann H ; Steemans M ; Stedman DB ; Vanparys P ; Vericat JA ; Verwei M ; Water F van de ; Weimer M ; Schwarz M
A review of the implementation of the embryonic stem cell test (EST)
ATLA 2009; 37(3):313-29

Newman PA ; Oman LD ; Douglass AR ; Fleming EL ; Frith SM ; Hurwitz MM ; Kawa SR ; Jackman CH ; Krotkov NA ; Nash ER ; Nielsen JE ; Pawson S ; Stolarski RS ; Velders GJM
What would have happened to the ozone layer if chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had not been regulated?
Atmos Chem Phys 2009; 9(6):2113-28

Fischer P ; Ameling C ; Marra M ; Cassee FR
Absence of trends in relative risk estimates for the association between Black Smoke and daily mortality over a 34 years period in The Netherlands
Atmos Environ 2009; 34(3):481-5

Geelen LMJ ; Huijbregts MAJ ; Hollander H den ; Ragas AMJ ; Jaarsveld HA van ; Zwart D de
Confronting environmental pressure, environmental quality and human health impact indicators of priority air emissions
Atmos Environ 2009; 43(9):1613-21

Velders GJM ; Diederen HSMA
Likelihood of meeting the EU limit values for NO2 and PM10 concentrations in the Netherlands
Atmos Environ 2009; 43(19):3060-9

Manders AMM ; Schaap M ; Hoogerbrugge R
Testing the capability of the chemistry transport model LOTOS-EUROS to forecast PM10 levels in the Netherlands
Atmos Environ 2009; 43:4050-9

Velders GJM ; Matthijsen J
Meteorological variability in NO2 and PM10 concentrations in the Netherlands and its relation with EU limit values
Atmospheric Environment 2009; 43(25)3858-66

Fuglestvedt JS; Shine KP ; Berntsen T ; Cook J ; Lee DS ; Stenke A ; Skeie RB ; Velders GJM ; Waitz IA
Transport impacts on atmosphere and climate: Metrics
Atmospheric Environment, in press, Corrected Proof

Degener JE ; Mulders MN ; eds.
NethMap 2009. Consumption of antimicrobial agents and antimicrobial resistance among medically important bacteria in the Netherlands
Bilthoven: Dutch Foundation of the Working Party on Antibiotic Policy, SWAB ; National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, 2009

Herbold HH ; Ginkel LA van ; Sterk SS
RIVM-CRL proficiency test: thyrostats in samples of porcine urine
Bilthoven: EU Community Reference Laboratory, RIVM, 2009 (CRL document 310309024)

Ginkel LA van
Proceedings of the annual CRL workshop 2009, Bilthoven, October 2009
Bilthoven: National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, 2009

Wal A van der ; Geerts RHEM ; Korevaar H ; Schouten AJ ; Jagers op Akkerhuis GAJM ; Rutgers M ; Mulder C
Dissimular response of plant and soil and soil biota communities to long-term nutrient addition in grasslands
Biol Fertil Soils 2009; 45(6):663-7

Eekeren N van ; Boer H de ; Bloem J ; Schouten T ; Rutgers M ; Goede R de ; Brussaard L
Soil biological quality of grassland fertilized with adjusted cattle manure slurries in comparison with organic and inorganic fertilizers
Biol Fertil Soils 2009; 45(6):595-608

Rigsby P ; Ison C ; Brierley M ; Ballard R ; Hagedorn HJ ; Lewis DA ; Notermans DW ; Riis J ; Robertson P ; Seppala IJ ; Rijpkema S
Evaluation of two human plasma pools as candidate international standard preparations for syphilitic antibodies
Biologicals 2009; 37(4):245-51

Hoogwijk M ; Faaij A ; Vries B de ; Turkenburg W
Exploration of regional and global cost-supply curves of biomass energy from short-rotation crops at abandoned cropland and rest land under four IPCC SRES land-use scenarios
Biomass Bioenergy 2009; 33(1):26-43

Farrington CP ; Whitaker HJ ; Wallinga J ; Manfredi P
Measures of disassortativeness and their application to directly transmitted infections
Biometrical J 2009; 51(3):387-407

Tuin AW ; Grotenbreg GM ; Spalburg E ; Neelings AJ de ; Mars-Groenendijk RH ; Marel GA van der ; Noort D ; Overkleeft HS ; Overhand M
Structural and biological evaluation of some loloatin C analogues
Bioorganic Med Chem 2009; 17(17):6233-40

Soons ZITA ; IJssel J van den ; Pol LA van der ; Straten G van ; Boxtel AJB van
Scaling-up vaccine production: implementation aspects of a biomass growth observer and controller
Bioprocess Biosys Eng 2009; 32(3):289-99

Rourou S ; Ark A van der ; Velden T van der ; Kallel H
Development of an animal-component free medium for vero cells culture
Biotech Progress 2009; 25(6):1752-61

Boot R
PCR detecteert Pasteurellaceae in bekspoelsels van muizen
Biotechniek 2009; 48:7-11

Raamsdonk LWD ; Eijkeren JCH van ; Meijer GAL ; Rennen M ; Zeilmaker MJ ; Hoogenboom LAP ; Mengelers M
Compliance of feed limits, does not mean compliance of food limits
Biotechnol Agron Soc Environ 2009; 13(S):51-7

Streefland M ; Herpen PFG van ; Waterbeemd B van de ; Pol LA van der ; Beuvery EC ; Tramper J ; Martens DE ; Toft M
A practical approach for exploration and modeling of the design space of a bacterial vaccine cultivation process
Biotechnol Bioeng 2009; 104(3):492-504

Streefland M ; Waterbeemd B van de ; Kint J ; Pol LA van der ; Beuvery EC ; Tramper J ; Martens DE
Evaluation of a critical process parameter: oxygen limitation during cultivation has a fully reversible effect of gene expression of Bordetella pertussis
Biotechnol Bioeng 2009; 102(1):161-7

Waterbeemd B van de ; Streefland M ; Pennings J ; Pol L van der ; Beuvery C ; Tramper J ; Martens D
Gene-expression-based quality scores indicate optimal harvest point in Bordetella pertussis cultivation for vaccine production
Biotechnol Bioeng 2009; 103(5):900-8

Pentsuk N ; Laan JW van der
An interspecies comparison of placental antibody transfer: new insights into developmental toxicity testing of monoclonal antibodies
Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol 2009; 86(4):328-44

Vujkovic M ; Steegers EA ; Looman CW ; Ocke MC ; Spek PJ van der ; Steegers-Theunissen RP
The maternal Mediterranean dietary pattern is associated with a reduced risk of spina bifida in the offspring
BJOG 2009; 116(3):408-15

Zantinge EM ; Verhaak PFM ; Bakker DH de ; Meer K van der ; Bensing JM
Does burnout among doctors affect their involvement in patients' mental health problems? A study of videotaped consultations
BMC Fam Pract 2009; 10:60

Berg MJ van den ; Bakker DH de ; Spreeuwenberg P ; Westert GP ; Braspenning JCC ; Zee J van der ; Groenewegen PP
Labour intensity of guidelines may have a greater effect on adherence than GPs' workload
BMC Fam Pract 2009; 10:74

Opstelten W ; Steenbergen JE van ; Essen GA van ; Sande MAB van der
Threat of an influenza pandemic: family physicians in the front line
BMC Family Practice 2009; 10:11

Uiters E ; Deville W ; Foets M ; Spreeuwenberg P ; Groenewegen PP
Differences between immigrant and non-immigrant groups in the use of primary medical care; a systematic review
BMC Health Serv Res 2009; 9:76

Jong JD de ; Groenewegen PP ; Spreeuwenberg P ; Westert GP ; Bakker DH de
Do decision support systems influence variation in prescription?
BMC Health Serv Res 2009; 9:20

Berg MJ van den ; Bakker DH de ; Westert GP ; Zee J van der ; Groenewegen PP
Do list size and remuneration affect GPs' decisions about how they provide consultations?
BMC Health Serv Res 2009; 9:39

Vries G de ; Hest RAH van ; Burdo CCA ; Soolingen D van ; Richardus JH
A Mycobacterium tuberculosis cluster demonstrating the use of genotyping in urban tuberculosis control
BMC Infect Dis 2009; 9:151

Chinapaw MJM ; Slootmaker SM ; Schuit AJ ; Zuidam M van ; Mechelen W van
Reliability and validity of the Activity Questionnaire for Adults and Adolescents (AQuAA)
BMC Med Res Methodol 2009; 9:58

Dalla Costa ER ; Ribeiro MO ; Silva MSN ; Arnold LS ; Rostirolla DC ; Cafrune PI ; Espinoza RG ; Palaci M ; Telles MA ; Ritacco V ; Suffys PH ; Lopes ML ; Campelo CL ; Miranda SS ; Kremer K ; Almeida da Silva PE ; Souza Fonseca L de ; Ho JL ; Kritski AL ; Rossetti MLR
Correlations of mutations in katG, oxyR-ahpC and inhA genes and in vitro susceptibility in Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical strains segregated by spoligotype families from tuberculosis prevalent countries in South America
BMC Microbiol 2009; 9:39

Heikens E ; Leendertse M ; Wijnands LM ; Luit-Asbroek M van ; Bonten MJM ; Poll T van der ; Willems RJL
Enterococcal surface protein Esp is not essential for cell adhesion and intestinal colonization of Enterococcus faecium in mice
BMC Microbiology 2009; 9:19

Aarts MJ ; Goor IAM van de ; Oers JAM van ; Schuit AJ
Towards translation of environmental determinants of physical activity in children into multi-sector policy measures: study design of a Dutch project
BMC Public Health 2009; 9:396

Bouwknegt M ; Rutjes SA ; Reusken CBEM ; Stockhofe-Zurwieden N ; Frankena K ; Jong MCM de ; Roda Husman AM de ; Poel WHM van der
The course of hepatitis E virus infection in pigs after contact-infection and intravenous inoculation
BMC Vet Res 2009; 5:7

Otte PF ; Claessens JW ; Wal A van der
De effecten van overstromingen op de bodemkwaliteit. Klimaatverandering, overstroming en de bodem; een verkenning
Bodem 2009; 19(1):10-2

Bakker M ; Lijzen J
Biobeschikbaarheid van lood en de risicobeoordeling voor de mens
Bodem 2009; 19(3):21-3

Swartjes F ; Otte P ; Honders T ; Roeloffzen A
Internationale samenwerking bodemverontreiniging werkt!
Bodem 2009; 19(5):16-8

Brand E ; Posthuma L ; Zwart D de
FEAT - Flash Environmental Assessment Tool
Bodem 2009; 19(5):22-3

Gaans P van ; Heimovaara T ; Mol G ; Rutgers M
SoilCritZone of kritisch betrokken bij bodem
Bodem 2009; 19(5):24-6

Travis RC ; Spencer EA ; Allen NE ; Appleby PN ; Roddam AW ; Overvad K ; Johnsen NF ; Olsen A ; Kaaks R ; Linseisen J ; Boeing H ; Nothlings U ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Ros MM ; Sacerdote C ; Palli D ; Tumino R ; Berrino F ; Trichopoulou A ; Dilis V ; Trichopoulos D ; Chirlaque MD ; Ardanaz E ; Larranaga N ; Gonzalez C ; Suarez LR ; Sanchez MJ ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Hallmans G ; Stattin P ; Rinaldi S ; Slimani N ; Jenab M ; Riboli E ; Key TJ
Plasma phyto-oestrogens and prostate cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Br J Cancer 2009; 100(11):1817-23

Kok IMCM de ; Polder JJ ; Habbema JDF ; Berkers LM ; Meerding WJ ; Rebolj M ; Ballegooijen M
The impact of healthcare costs in the last year of life and in all life years gained on the cost-effectiveness of cancer screening
Br J Cancer 2009; 100(8):1240-4

Scholtens S ; Wijga AH ; Smit HA ; Brunekreef B ; Jongste JC de ; Gerritsen J ; Seidell JC
Long-chain polyunsaterated fatty acids in breast milk and early weight gain in breast-fed infants
Br J Nutr 2009; 101(1):116-21

Verhagen H ; Boekhorst J te ; Kamps L ; Lieshout MJ van ; Ploeger H ; Verreth D ; Salminen S ; Loveren H van
Novel foods: an explorative study into their grey area
Br J Nutr 2009; 101(9):1270-7

Schickenberg B ; Assema P van ; Brug J ; Verkaik-Klosterman J ; Ocke MC ; Vries NK
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Saliva cortisol and exposure to aircraft noise in six European countries
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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in people living and working in pig farms
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Norovirus outbreaks in nursing homes: the evaluation of infection control measures
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Public health risk analysis of European bat lyssavirus infection in the Netherlands
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Seasonal patterns in time series of pertussis
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Significance of isolated antibody to hepatitis B core antigen in Dutch national vaccination campaign of behavioural high-risk groups
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Time trends in primary-care morbidity, hospitalization and mortality due to pneumonia
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Feasibility of a rubella screening and vaccination programme for unvaccinated young women
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Targeted BCG vaccination against severe tuberculosis in low-prevalence settings: epidemiologic and economic assessment
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Hepatitis B virus infected health care workers in The Netherlands, 2000-2008
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TprK gene regions are not suitable for epidemiological syphilis typing
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Ferrari P ; Roddam A ; Fahey MT ; Jenab M ; Bamia C ; Ocke M ; Amiano P ; Hjartaker A ; Biessy C ; Rinaldi S ; Huybrechts I ; Tjonneland A ; Dethlefsen C ; Niravong M ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Linseisen J ; Boeing H ; Oikonomou E ; Orfanos P ; Palli D ; Santucci de Magistris M ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Peeters PHM ; Parr CL ; Braaten T ; Dorronsoro M ; Berenguer T ; Gullberg B ; Johansson I ; Welch AA ; Riboli E ; Bingham S ; Slimani N
A bivariate measurement error model for nitrogen and potassium intakes to evaluate the performance of regression calibration in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):179-87

Sieri S ; Krogh V ; Saieva C ; Grobbee DE ; Bergmann M ; Rohrmann S ; Tjonneland A ; Ferrari P ; Chloptsios Y ; Dilis V ; Jenab M ; Linseisen J ; Wallstrom P ; Johansson I ; Chirlaque MD ; Sanchez MJ ; Niravong M ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Welch AA ; Allen NE ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Schouw YT van der ; Sacerdote C ; Panico S ; Parr CL ; Braaten T ; Olsen A ; Jensen MK ; Bingham S ; Riboli E ; Slimani N
Alcohol consumption patterns, diet and body weight in 10 European countries
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):81-100

Slimani N ; Deharveng G ; Southgate DAT ; Biessy C ; Chajes V ; Bakel MME van ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; McTaggart a ; Grioni S ; Verkaik-Kloosterman J ; Huybrechts I ; Amiano P ; Jenab M ; Vignat J ; Bouckaert K ; Casagrande C ; Ferrari P ; Zourna P ; Trichopoulou A ; Wirfalt E ; Johansson G ; Rohrmann S ; Illner AK ; Barricarte A ; Rodriguez L ; Touvier M ; Niravong M ; Mulligan A ; Crowe F ; Ocke MC ; Schouw YT van der ; Bendinelli B ; Lauria C ; Brustad M ; Hjartaker A ; Tjonneland A ; Jensen AM ; Riboli E ; Bingham S
Contribution of highly industrially processed foods to the nutrient intakes and patterns of middle-aged populations in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):206-25

Linseisen J ; Welch AA ; Ocke M ; Amiano P ; Agnoli C ; Ferrari P ; Sonestedt E ; Chajes V ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Kaaks R ; Weikert C ; Dorronsoro M ; Rodriguez L ; Ermini I ; Mattiello A ; Schouw YT van der ; Manjer J ; Nilsson S ; Jenab M ; Lund E ; Brustad M ; Halkjaer J ; Jakobsen MU ; Khaw KT ; Crowe F ; Georgila C ; Misirli G ; Niravong M ; Touvier M ; Bingham S ; Riboli E ; Slimani N
Dietary fat intake in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition: results from the 24-h dietary recalls
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):61-80

Bakel MME van ; Kaaks R ; Feskens EJM ; Rohrmann S ; Welch AA ; Pala V ; Avloniti K ; Schouw YT van der ; A DL van der ; Du H ; Halkjaer J ; Tormo MJ ; Cust AE ; Brighenti F ; Beulens JW ; Ferrari P ; Biessy C ; lentjes M ; Spencer EA ; Panico S ; Masala G ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Peeters PHM ; Trichopoulou A ; Psaltopoulou T ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Touvier M ; Skeie G ; Rinaldi S ; Sonestedt E ; Johansson I ; Schulze M ; Ardanaz E ; Buckland G ; Tjonneland A ; Overvad K ; Bingham S ; Riboli E ; Slimani N
Dietary glycaemic index and glycaemic load in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):188-205

Olsen A ; Halkjaer J ; Gils CH van ; Buijsse B ; Verhagen H ; Jenab M ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Ericson U ; Ocke MC ; Peeters PHM ; Touvier M ; Niravong M ; Waaseth M ; ; Skeie G ; Khaw KT ; Travis R ; Ferrari P ; Sanchez MJ ; Agudo A ; Overvad K ; Linseisen J ; Weikert C ; Sacerdote C ; Evangelista A ; Zylis D ; Tsiotas K ; Manjer J ; Guelpen B van ; Riboli E ; Slimani N ; Bingham S
Dietary intake of the water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and C in 10 countries in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):122-49

Jenab M ; Salvini S ; Gils CH van ; Brustad M ; Shakya-Shrestha S ; Buijsse B ; Verhagen H ; Touvier M ; Biessy C ; Wallstrom P ; Bouckaert K ; Lund E ; Waaseth M ; Roswall N ; Joensen AM ; Linseisen J ; Boeing H ; Vasilopoulou E ; Dilis V ; Sieri S ; Sacerdote C ; Ferrari P ; Manjer J ; Nilsson S ; Welch AA ; Travis R ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Niravong M ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Schout YT van der ; Tormo MJ ; Barricarte A ; Riboli E ; Bingham S ; Slimani N
Dietary intakes of retinol, beta-carotene, vitamin D and vitamin E in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):150-78

Orfanos P ; Naska A ; Trichopoulou A ; Grioni S ; Boer JMA ; Bakel MME van ; Ericson U ; Rohrmann S ; Boeing H ; Rodriguez L ; Ardanaz E ; Sacerdote C ; Giurdanella MC ; Niekerk EM ; Peeters PHM ; Manjer J ; Guelpen B van ; Deharveng G ; Skeie G ; Engeset D ; Halkjaer J ; Jensen AM ; McTaggart A ; Crowe F ; Stratigakou V ; Oikonomou E ; Touvier M ; Niravong M ; Riboli E ; Bingham S ; Slimani N
Eating out of home: energy, macro- and micronutrient intakes in 10 European countries. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):239-62

Ocke M ; Larranaga N ; Grioni S ; Berg SW van den ; Ferrari P ; Salvini S ; Benetou V ; Linseisen J ; Wirfalt E ; Rinaldi S ; Jenab M ; Halkjaer J ; Jakobsen MU ; Niravong M ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Kaaks R ; Bergmann M ; Moutsiou E ; Trichopoulou A ; Lauria C ; Sacerdote C ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Peeters PHM ; Hjartaker A ; Parr CL ; Tormo MJ ; Sanchez MJ ; Manjer J ; Hellstrom V ; Mulligan A ; Spencer EA ; Riboli E ; Bingham S ; Slimani N
Energy intake and sources of energy intake in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):3-15

Halkjaer J ; Olsen A ; Bjerregaard LJ ; Deharveng G ; Tjonneland A ; Welch AA ; Crowe FL ; Wirfalt E ; Hellstrom V ; Niravong M ; Touvier M ; Linseisen J ; Steffen A ; Ocke MC ; Peeters PHM ; Chirlaque MD ; Larranaga N ; Ferrari P ; Contiero P ; Frasca G ; Engeset D ; Lund E ; Misirli G ; Riboli E ; Slimani N ; Bingham S
Intake of total, animal and plant proteins, and their food sources in 10 countries in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):16-36

Croezen S ; Visscher TLS ; Bogt NCW ter ; Veling ML ; Haveman-Nies A
Skipping breakfast, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity as risk factors for overweight and obesity in adolescents: results of the E-MOVO project
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(3):405-12

Kroger J ; Ferrari P ; Jenab M ; Bamia C ; Touvier M ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Fahey MT ; Benetou V ; Schulz M ; Wirfalt E ; Boeing H ; Hoffmann K ; Schulze MB ; Orfanos P ; Oikonomou E ; Huybrechts I ; Rohrmann S ; Pischon T ; Manjer J ; Agren A ; Navarro C ; Jakszyn P ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Niravong M ; Khaw KT ; Crowe F ; Ocke MC ; Schouw YT van der ; Mattiello A ; Bellegotti ; Engeset D ; Hjartaker A ; Egeberg R ; Overvad K ; Riboli E ; Bingham S ; Slimani N
Specific food group combinations explaining the variation in intakes of nutrients and other important food components in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition: an application of the reduced rank regression method
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):263-74

Cust AE ; Skilton MR ; Bakel MME van ; Halkjaer J ; Olsen A ; Agnoli C ; Psaltopoulou T ; Buurma E ; Sonestedt E ; Chirlaque MD ; Rinaldi S ; Tjonneland A ; Jensen MK ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Kaaks R ; Nothlings U ; Chloptsios Y ; Zylis D ; Mattiello A ; Caini S ; Ocke MC ; Schouw YT van der ; Skeie G ; Parr CL ; Molina-Montes E ; Manjer J ; Johansson I ; McTaggart A ; Key TJ ; Bingham S ; Riboli E ; Slimani N
Total dietary carbohydrate, sugar, starch and fibre intakes in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):37-60

Skeie G ; Braaten T ; Hjartaker A ; Lentjes M ; Amiano P ; Jakszyn P ; Pala V ; Palanca A ; Niekerk EM ; Verhagen H ; Avloniti K ; Psaltopoulou T ; Niravong M ; Touvier M ; Nimptsch K ; Haubrock J ; Walker L ; Spencer EA ; Roswall N ; Olsen A ; Wallstrom P ; Nilsson S ; Casagrande C ; Deharveng G ; Hellstrom V ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Tjonneland A ; Joensen AM ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Trichopoulou A ; Martinez C ; Rodriguez L ; Frasca G ; Sacerdote C ; Peeters PHM ; Linseisen J ; Schienkiewitz A ; Welch AA ; Manjer J ; Ferrari P ; Riboli E ; Bingham S ; Engeset D ; Lund E ; Slimani N
Use of dietary supplements in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition calibration study
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):226-38

Welch AA ; Fransen H ; Jenab M ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Tumino R ; Agnoli C ; Ericson U ; Johansson I ; Ferrari P ; Engeset D ; Lund E ; Lentjes M ; Key T ; Touvier M ; Niravong M ; Larranaga N ; Rodriguez L ; Ocke MC ; Peeters PHM ; Tjonneland A ; Bjerregaard L ; Vasilopoulou E ; Dilis V ; Linseisen J ; Nothlings U ; Riboli E ; Slimani N ; Bingham S
Variation in intakes of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium in 10 countries in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study
Eur J Clin Nutr 2009; 63(Suppl 4):101-21

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Clinical pharmacology of exogenously administered alkaline phosphatase
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Discolored leg syndrome after vaccination - descriptive epidemiology
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Response to 'too early to stop immigrant vaccination programmes'
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Dare to compare! Benchmarking Dutch health with the European Community Health Indicators (ECHI) in 2008
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Suijkerbuijk AWM ; Lindeboom R ; Steenbergen JE van ; Sonder GJB ; Doorduyn Y
Effect of hepatitis A vaccination programs for migrant children on the incidence of Hepatitis A in the Netherlands
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Influenza virus resistance to oseltamivir: what are the implications?
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Too early to stop immigrant vaccination programmes
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Community-wide outbreak of hepatitis A in Latvia in 2008 - an update
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Compliance with boil water advice following a water contamination incident in the Netherlands in 2007
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Decrease of hypervirulent Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 027 in the Netherlands
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Hahne S ; Donker T ; Meijer A ; Timen A ; Steenbergen J van ; Osterhaus A ; Sande M van der ; Koopmans M ; Wallinga J ; Coutinho R
Epidemiology and control of influenza A (H1N1) in the Netherlands: the first 115 cases
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Kuchenmuller T ; Hird S ; Stein C ; Kramarz P ; Nanada A ; Havelaar AH
Estimating the global burden of foodborne diseases--a collaborative effort
Eurosurveillance 2009; 14(18)

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First report of a North American invasive mosquito species Ochlerotatus artropalpus (Coquillett) in the Netherlands, 2009
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Lymphogranuloma venereum in Europe, 2003-2008
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Huijsdens XW ; Bosch T ; Santen-Verheuvel MG van ; Spalburg E ; Pluister GN ; Luit M van ; Heck MEOC ; Haenen A ; Neeling AJ de
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Multilocus variable-number tandem repeats analysis (MLVA) - a reliable tool for rapid investigation of Salmonella typhimurium outbreaks
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Greenland K ; Jager C de ; Heuvelink A ; Zwaluw K van der ; Heck M ; Notermans D ; Pelt W van ; Friesema I
Nationwide outbreak of STEC O157 infection in the Netherlands, December 2008-January 2009: continuous risk of consuming raw beef products
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Ciancio BC ; Meerhoff TJ ; Kramarz P ; Bonmarin I ; Borgen K ; Boucher CA ; Buchholz U ; Buda S ; Dijkstra F ; Dusman S ; Duwe S ; Hauge SH ; Hungnes O ; Meijer A ; Mossong J ; Paget WJ ; Phin N ; Sande M van der ; Schweiger B ; Nicoli A
Oseltamivir-resistant influenza A (H1N1) viruses detected in Europe during season 2007-8 had epidemiologic and clinical characteristics similar to co-circulating susceptible A (H1N1) viruses
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Goddard N ; Zucs P ; Ciancio B ; Plata F ; Hungnes O ; Mzaick A ; Meijer A ; Hay A ; Daniels R ; Nicoll A ; Zambon M
Start of the influenza season 2008-9 in Europe - increasing influenza activity moving from West to East dominated by A(H3N2)
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Schimmer B ; Dijkstra F ; Vellema P ; Schneeberger PM ; Hackert V ; Schegget R ter ; Wijkmans C ; Duynhoven Y van ; Hoek W van der
Sustained intensive transmission of Q fever in the south of the Netherlands, 2009
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Mitigation of pandemic influenza: review of cost-effectiveness studies
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Quality-control issues and approaches in vaccine development
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Replacement, reduction and refinement alternatives to animal use in vaccine potency measurement
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Drukke huisartsen houden oog voor psychische problemen
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Improving pertussis vaccination
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We maken wat mee bij het NVIC ....
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Antibiotica, resistentie en de rol van de dierenarts
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Beschouwing vanuit de LCI bij de veldberichten over nieuwe influenza (H1N1)
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Bestrijden doe je samen: symposiumverslag
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Coordinatie en communicatie in tijde van grieppandemie
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De grieppandemie: paniekzaaierij of reele dreiging?
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(8):258-9

Visser O ; Rump BO ; Petrignani M ; Vennema H ; Wierik MJM te ; Fanoy EB
Diagnostiek bij hepatitis A-clusters brengt verspreiding in kaart
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(6):201-6

Isken LD ; Aangenend H
Drie hepatitis B-infecties: onderzoek naar donorbloed als mogelijke bron
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(4):122-4

Vliet H van
Een gevreesde kinderziekte
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(2):48-9

Schimmer B ; Braks M ; Ham PBG ten ; Vonk M ; Blaak H ; Giessen JWB van der
Een impressie van de 'International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance'
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2008; 20(4):126-9

Ouwerkerk IMS van ; Isken LD ; Timen A
Een kader voor het evalueren van infectieziekteuitbraken
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(3):95-8

Coster EJM de ; Ouwerkerk I van
Een mogelijk met rabies besmette kat
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(1):13-4

Langelaar M ; Braks M ; Giessen J van der
Emzoo: een gezamenlijke, humaan-veterinaire aanpak van zoonotische bedreigingen
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(5):154-5

Brienen NCJ ; Vriend HJ ; Hoek W van der
Epidemiologische ontwikkelingen nieuwe influenza A (H1N1)
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2008; 20(7):231-3

Sande MAB van der
Evaluatie aanvullende curatieve soazorg
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(8):260-1

Ouwerkerk IMS van ; Waegemaekers CHFM
Evaluatie van een botulismecluster met behulp van een generiek evaluatiekader voor infectieziekteuitbraken
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(3):98-102

Schets FM ; Roda Husman AM de
Gezondheidsklachten door recreatiewater in 2008; gemiddeld aantal klachten in warme maar natte zomer
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(9):285-6

Koedijk FDH ; Neeling AJ de ; Sande MAB van der
Gonokokkenresistentie tegen chinolonen blijft toenemen: resultaten GRAS en labsurveillance 2002-2007
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(5):165-8

Conyn-van Spaendonck MAE
Het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma, meer dan alleen vaccineren; geillustreerd aan de hand van HPV-vaccinatie
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(2):69-74

Conyn-van Spaendonck M van ; Oosten M van
HPV in het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma: de communicatie bij de introductie van de vaccinatie
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(2):53-6

Franssen F ; Giessen J van der
Import van kikkerbillen met exotische parasieten
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(7):237-41

Isken LD
Impressie van de vaccinatiecampagne Mexicaanse griep
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(10):308-9

Oostvogels B ; Maas NAT van der
Ivloed van het acellulaire DKTP-Hib-vaccin op de meldgraad van reacties na vaccinaties in het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(8):270-3

Euser SM ; Brandsema P ; Ruijs WLM ; Boer JW den
Legionella-bronopsporing in Nederland: resultaten van de Bronopsporings Eenheid Legionella-pneumonie (BEL) 2007-2008
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(6):192-4

Coster EJM de ; Binnendijk RS van ; Hahne SJM
Mazelen in Den Haag
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(2):42-3

Koedijk FDH ; Sande MAB van der ; Hahne SJM
Meldingen van acute hepatitis B in 2008
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(10):321-5

Koedijk FDH ; Op de Coul ELM ; Sande MAB van der ; Hahne SJM
Meldingen van acute hepatitis B in 2007
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(1):15-9

Kaaijk P ; Rots NY ; Hoitink CWG
Mogelijke oorzaken voor de bofgevallen onder gevaccineerden
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(1):9-11

Koopmans M
Nieuwe influenza A (H1N1)
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(6):187-91

Sande MAB van der
Onderzoek naar het effect van postexpositieprofylaxe met oseltamivir op influenzatransmissie in verpleeghuizen
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(9):284

Schets FM ; Lodder WJ ; Roda Husman AM de
Onderzoek van slakken en recreatiewater vullen elkaar aan bij problemen met zwemmersjeuk
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(1):20-4

Robert-Du Ry van Beest Holle M
Op kippenjacht in Indonesie
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(3):110-3

Ruijs WLM ; Wijk PTL van
Prikaccidenten in de arbeidssituatie
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(4):129-30

Sande MAB van der ; Teunis P ; Sabel R
Professionele en zelfgemaakte gezichtsmaskers verminderen blootstelling aan luchtweginfecties
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(2):62-8

Steenbergen JE van ; Roest HJ ; Wijkmans CJ ; Duijnhoven Y van ; Vellema P ; Stenvers O ; Oomen T
Q-koorts in Nederland: 2008 en verwachting voor 2009
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(4):132-7

Meekelenkamp JCE ; Notermans DW ; Rietveld A ; Marcelis JH ; Schimmer B ; Reimerink JHJ ; Vollebergh JHA ; Wijkmans CJ ; Leenders ACAP
Seroprevalentie van Coxiella burnetii bij zwangeren in Noord-Brabant in 2007
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(2):57-61

Mulders MN
Start onderzoek naar MRSA uit onbekende bronnen
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(7):236

Haenen A ; Huijsdens XW ; Pluister GN ; Luit M van ; Bosch T ; Santen-Verheuvel MG van ; Spalburg E ; Heck MEOC ; Sande-Bruinsma N van de ; Geenen PL ; Mulders MN ; Neeling AJ de
Surveillance van MRSA in Nederland gedurende 2007: stijgende trend van aan vee gerelateerde MRSA
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(4):138-45

Overgaauw PAM ; Langelaar M
Symposium zoonosen van alledag
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(1):6-8

Overgaauw P ; Langelaar M
Symposium zoonosen: toxoplasmose
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(10):312-5

Rumke HC ; Zeijst BAM van der
Van molecuul tot vaccin
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(5):159-65

Notermans D
Verslag Europees congres voor microbiologen: meer aandacht voor openbare gezondheidszorg
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(8):256-7

Dooren LD van
Verslag landelijke studiedag vaccinatieprogramma hepatitis B-risicogroepen
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(10):315-7

Noel H
Zandbakken en infecties
Infectieziekten Bulletin 2009; 20(2):46-7

White LF ; Wallinga J ; Finelli L ; Reed C ; Riley S ; Lipsitch M ; Pagano M
Estimation of the reproductive number and the serial interval in early phase of the 2009 influenza A/H1N1 pandemic in the USA
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 2009; 3(6):267-76

Jalava PI ; Hirvonen MR ; Sillanpaa M ; Pennanen AS ; Happo MS ; Hillamo R ; Cassee FR ; Gerlofs-Nijland M ; Borm PJA ; Schins RPF ; Janssen NAH ; Salonen RO
Associations of urban air particulate composition with inflammatory and cytotoxic responses in RAW 246.7 cell line
Inhal Toxicol 2009; 21(12):994-1006

Hof AF ; Elzen MGJ den ; Vuuren DP van
Environmental effectiveness and economic consequences of fragmented versus universal regimes: what can we learn from model studies?
Int Environ Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 2009; 9:39-62

Ingen J van ; Laan T van der ; Amaral L ; Dekhuijzen R ; Boeree MJ ; Soolingen D van
In vitro activity of thioridazine against mycobacteria [Letter to the editor]
Int J Antimicrob Agents 2009; 34(2):190-1

Slootmaker SM ; Schuit AJ ; Chinapaw MJM ; Seidell JC ; Mechelen W van
Disagreement in physical activity assessed by accelerometer and self-report in subgroups of age, gender, education and weight status
Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2009; 6:17

Suzuki R ; Allen NE ; Key TJ ; Appleby PN ; Tjonneland A ; Johnson NF ; Jensen MK ; Overvad K ; Boeing H ; Pischon T ; Kaaks R ; Rohrmann S ; Trichopoulou A ; Misirli G ; Trichopoulos D ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Duijnhoven F van ; Sacerdote C ; Pala V ; Palli D ; Tumino R ; Ardanaz E ; Quiros JR ; Larranaga N ; Sanchez MJ ; Tormo MJ ; Jakszyn P ; Johansson I ; Stattin P ; Berglund G ; Manjer J ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Egevad L ; Ferrari P ; Jenab M ; Riboli E
A prospective analysis of the association between dietary fiber intake and prostate cancer risk in EPIC
Int J Cancer 2009; 124(1):245-2

Allen NE ; Roddam AW ; Sieri S ; Boeing H ; Uhre Jakobsen M ; Overvad K ; Tjonneland A ; Halkjaer J ; Vineis P ; Contiero P ; Palli D ; Tumino R ; Mattiello A ; Kaaks R ; Rohrmann S ; Trichopoulou A ; Zilis D ; Koumantaki Y ; Peeters PH ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Barricarte A ; Rodriguez L ; Dorronsoro M ; Sanchez MJ ; Chirlaque MD ; Esquius L ; Manjer J ; Wallstrom P ; Ljungberg B ; Hallmans G ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Boffetta P ; Norat T ; Mouw T ; Riboli E
A prospective analysis of the association between macronutrient intake and renal cell carcinoma in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Int J Cancer 2009; 125(4):928-7

Lahmann PH ; Cust AE ; Friedenreich CM ; Schulz M ; Lukanova A ; Kaaks R ; Lundin E ; Tjonneland A ; Halkjaer J ; Severinsen MT ; Overvad K ; Fournier A ; Chabbert-Buffet N ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Dossus L ; Pischon T ; Boeing H ; Trichopoulou A ; Lagiou P ; Naska A ; Palli D ; Grioni S ; Mattiello A ; Tumino R ; Sacerdote C ; Redondo ML ; Jakszyn P ; Sanchez MJ ; Tormo MJ ; Ardanaz E ; Arriola L ; Manjer J ; Jirstrom K ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; May AM ; Peeters PH ; Onland-Moret NC ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Allen NE ; Spencer E ; Rinaldi S ; Slimani N ; Chajes V ; Michaud D ; Norat T ; Riboli E
Anthropometric measures and epithelial ovarian cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Int J Cancer 2009; 126(10):2404-15

Vrieling A ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Boshuizen HC ; Michaud DS ; Severinsen MT ; Overvad K ; Olsen A ; Tjonneland A ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Kaaks R ; Rohrmann S ; Boeing H ; Nothlings U ; Trichopoulou A ; Moutsiou E ; Dilis V ; Palli D ; Krogh V ; Panico S ; Tumino R ; Vineis P ; Gils CH van ; Peeters CH ; Lund E ; Gram IT ; Rodriguez L ; Agudo A ; Larranaga N ; Sanchez MJ ; Navarro C ; Barricarte A ; Manjer J ; Lindkvist B ; Sund M ; Ye W ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Roddam A ; Key T ; Boffetta P ; Duell EJ ; Jenab M ; Gallo V ; Riboli E
Cigarette smoking, environmental tobacco smoke exposure and pancreatic cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Int J Cancer 2009; 126(10):2394-403

Buchner FL ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Ros MM ; Kampman E ; Egevad L ; Overvad K ; Raaschou-Nielsen O ; Tjonneland A ; Roswall N ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Boutron-Ruualt MC ; Touillaud M ; Chang-Claude J ; Kaaks R ; Boeing H ; Weikert S ; Trichopoulou A ; Lagiou P ; Trichopoulos D ; Palli D ; Sieri S ; Vineis P ; Tumino R ; Panico S ; Vrieling A ; Peeters PHM ; Gils CH van ; Lund E ; Gram IT ; Engeset D ; Martinez C ; Gonzalex CA ; Larranaga N ; Ardanaz E ; Navarro C ; Rodriguez L ; Manjer J ; ehrnstrom RA ; Hallmans G ; Ljungberg B ; Allen NE ; Roddam AW ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Slimani N ; Boffetta P ; Jenab M ; Mouw T ; Michaud DS ; Kiemeney LALM ; Riboli E
Consumption of vegetables and fruit and the risk of bladder cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Int J Cancer 2009; 125(11):2643-51

Vrieling A ; Verhage BAJ ; Duijnhoven FJB van ; Jenab M ; Overvad K ; Tjonneland A ; Olsen A ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Kaaks R ; Rohrmann S ; Boeing H ; Nothlings U ; Trichopoulou A ; John T ; Dimosthenes Z ; Palli D ; Sieri S ; Mattiello A ; Tumino R ; Vineis P ; Gils CH van ; Peeters PHM ; Engeset D ; Lund E ; Rodriguez Suarez L ; Jakszyn P ; Larranaga N ; Sanchez MJ ; Chirlaque MD ; Ardanaz E ; Manjer J ; Lindkvist B ; Hallmans G ; Ye W ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Roddam A ; Key T ; Boffetta P ; Duell EJ ; Michaud DS ; Riboli E ; Bueno de Mesquita HB
Fruit and vegetable consumption and pancreatic cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
Int J Cancer 2009; 124(8):1926-34

Coupe VM ; Ginkel J de ; Melker HE de ; Snijders PJ ; Meijer CJ ; Berkhof J
HPV16/18 vaccination to prevent cervical cancer in The Netherlands: model-based cost-effectiveness
Int J Cancer 2009; 124(4):970-8

Weikert C ; Dietrich T ; Boeing H ; Bergmann MM ; Boutron-Ruault MC ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Allen N ; Key T ; Lund E ; Olsen A ; Tjonneland A ; Overvad K ; Rohrmann S ; Linseisen J ; Pischon T ; Trichopoulou A ; Weinehall L ; Johansson I ; Sanchez MJ ; Agudo A ; Barricarte A ; Amiano P ; Chirlaque MD ; Quiros JR ; Wirfalt E ; Peeters PH ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Vrieling A ; Pala V ; Palli D ; Vineis P ; Tumino R ; Panico S ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Norat T ; Jenab M ; Ferrari P ; Slimani N ; Riboli E
Lifetime and baseline alcohol intake and risk of cancer of the upper aero-digestive tract in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study
Int J Cancer 2009; 125(2):406-12

Menvielle G ; Boshuizen E ; Kunst AE ; Vineis P ; Dalton SO ; Bergmann MM ; Hermann S ; Veglia F ; Ferrari P ; Overvad K ; Rasschou-Nielsen O : Tjonneland A ; Kaaks R ; Linseisen J ; Palli D ; Krogh V ; Tumino R ; Rodriguez L ; Agudo A ; Sanchez MJ ; Arozena JM ; Cirera L ; Ardanaz E ; Bingham S ; Khaw KT ; Boffetta P ; Duell E ; Slimani N ; Gallo V ; Riboli E ; Bueno de Mesquita HB
Occupational exposures contribute to educational inequalities in lung cancer incidence among men: Evidence from the EPIC prospective cohort study
Int J Cancer 2009; 126(8):1928-35

Johnsen NF ; Tjonneland A ; Thomsen BLR ; Christensen J ; Loft S ; Friedenreich C ; Key TJ ; Allen NA ; Lahmann PH ; Mejlvig L ; Overvad K ; Kaaks R ; Rohrmann S ; Boing H ; Misirli G ; Trichopoulou A ; Zylis D ; Tumino R ; Pala V ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Kiemeney LA ; Rodriguez Suarez L ; Gonzalez CA ; Sanchez MJ ; Huerta JM ; Barricarte Gurrea A ; Manjer J ; Wirfalt E ; Khaw KT ; Wareham N ; Boffetta P ; Egevad L ; Rinaldi S ; Riboli E
Physical activity and risk of prostate cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort
Int J Cancer 2009; 125(4):902-8

Martijn C ; Smeets E ; Jansen A ; Hoeymans N ; Schoemaker C
Don't get the message: the effect of a warning text before visiting a proanorexia website
Int J Eat Disord 2009; 42(2):139-45

Nauta M ; Hill A ; Rosenquist H ; Brynestad S ; Fetsch A ; Logt P van der ; Fazil A ; Christensen B ; Katsma E ; Borck B ; Havelaar A
A comparison of risk assessments on Campylobacter in broiler meat
Int J Food Microbiol 2009; 129(2):107-23

Bronzwaer S ; Hugas M ; Collins JD ; Newell DG ; Robinson T ; Makela P ; Havelaar A
EFSA's 12th Scientific Colloquium - Assessing health benefits of controlling Campylobacter in the food chain
Int J Food Microbiol 2009; 131(2-3):284-5

Nauta MJ ; Wal FJ van der ; Putirulan FF ; Post J ; Kassteele J van de ; Bolder NM
Evaluation of the "testing and scheduling" strategy for control of Campylobacter in broiler meat in The Netherlands
Int J Food Microbiol 2009; 134(3):216-22

Heuvelink AE ; Heerwaarden C van ; Zwartkruis-Nahuis A ; Tilburg JJHC ; Bos MH ; Heilmann FGC ; Hofhuis A ; Hoekstra T ; Boer E de
Two outbreaks of campylobacteriosis associated with the consumption of raw cows' milk
Int J Food Microbiol 2009; 134(1-2):70-4

Krystek P ; Ritsema R
An incident study about acute and chronic human exposure to uranium high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectometry (HR-ICPMS)
Int J Hyg Environ Health 2009; 212(1):76-81

Steenwinkel JE de; Knegt GJ de ; Kate MT ten ; Belkum A van ; Verbrugh HA ; Hernandez-Pando R ; Soolingen D van ; Bakker-Woudenberg IA
Immunological parameters to define infection progression and therapy response in a well-defined tuberculosis model in mice
Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 2009; 22(3):723-34

Zelm R van ; Huijbregts MAJ ; Posthuma L ; Wintersen A ; Meent D van de
Pesticide ecotoxicological effect factors and their uncertainties for freshwater ecosystems
Int J Life Cycle Assess 2009; 14(1):43-51

Zelm R van ; Huijbregts MAJ ; Meent D van de
USES-LCA 2.0 - a global nested multi-media fate, exposure, and effects model
Int J Life Cycle Assess 2009; 14(3):282-4

Berg SW van den ; Dolle MET ; Imholz S ; A DL van der ; Slot R van 't ; Wijmenga C ; Verschuren WMM ; Strien C ; Siezen CLE ; Hoebee B ; Feskens EJM ; Boer JMA
Genetic variations in regulatory pathways of fatty acid and glucose metabolism are associated with obesity phenotypes: a population-based cohort study
Int J Obes 2009; 33(10):1143-52

Besson H ; Ekelund E ; Luan J ; May AM ; Sharp S ; Travier N ; Agudo A ; Slimani N ; Rinaldi S ; Jenab M ; Norat T ; Mouw T ; Rohrmann S ; Kaaks R ; Bergmann M ; Boeing H ; Clavel-Chapelon F ; Boutron-Rualt MC ; Overvad K ; Andreasen EL ; Johnsen NF ; Halkjaer J ; Gonzalez C ; Rodriguez L ; Sanchez MJ ; Arriola L ; Barricarte A ; Navarro C ; Key TJ ; Spencer EA ; Organos P ; Naska A ; Trichopoulou A ; Manjer J ; Wirfalt E ; Lund E ; Palli D ; Agnoli C ; Vineis P ; Panico S ; Tumino R ; Bueno de Mesquita HB ; Berg SW van den ; Odysseos AD ; Riboli E ; Wareham NJ ; Peeters PH
A cross-sectional analysis of physical activity and obesity indicators in European participants of the EPIC-PANACEA study
Int J Obesity 2009; 33(4):497-506

Du H ; A DL van der ; Bakel MME van ; Slimani N ; Forouhi NG ; Wareham NJ ; Halkjaer J ; Tjonneland A ; Jakobsen MU ; Overvad K ; Schulze MB ; Buijsse B ; Boeing H ; Palli D ; Masala G ; Sorensen TIA ; Saris WHM ; Feskens EJM
Dietary glycaemic index, glycaemic load and subsequent changes of weight and waist circumference in European men and women
Int J Obesity 2009; 33(11):1280-8

Vos M de ; Graafmans W ; Kooistra M ; Meijboom B ; Voor P van der ; Westert G
Using quality indicators to improve hospital care: a review of the literature
Int J Qual Health Care 2009; 21(2):119-29

Gijsel JAE van ; Swart DPJ ; Baray J-L ; Claude H ; Fehr T ; Gathen P von der ; Godin-Beekmann S ; Hansen GH ; Leblanc T ; McDermid IS ; Meijer YJ ; Nakane H ; Quel EJ ; Steinbrecht W ; Strawbridge KB ; Tatarov B ; Wolfram EA
Global validation of ENVISAT ozone profiles using lidar measurements
Int J Remote Sensing 2009; 30(15-16):3987-94

Steinbrecht W ; Claude H ; Schonenborn F ; McDermid IS ; Leblance T ; Godin S ; Keckhut P ; Gijsel JAE van ; Swart DPJ ; Bodeker GE ; Parrish ; Boyd IS ; Kampfer N ; Hocke C ; Stolarski RS ; Frith SM ; Thomason LW ; Remsberg EE ; Savigny C von ; Burrows JP
Ozone and temperature trends in the upper stratosphere at five stations of the Network for the detection of atmospheric composition change
Int J Remote sensing 2009; 30:3875-86

Tortoli E ; Baruzzo S ; Heijdra Y ; Klenk HP ; Lauria S ; Mariottini A ; Ingen J van
Mycobacterium insubricum sp. nov
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2009; 59(6):1518-23

Ingen J van ; Lindeboom JA ; Hartwig NG ; Zwaan R de ; Tortoli E ; Dekhuizen PNR ; Boeree MJ ; Soolingen D van
Mycobacterium mantenii sp. nov., a pathogenic, slowly growing, scotochromogenic species
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2009; 59(11):2782-7

Ingen J van ; Boeree MJ ; Lange WCM de ; Haas PEW de ; Zanden AGM van der ; Mijs W ; Rigouts L ; Dekhuijzen PNR ; Soolingen D van
Mycobacterium noviomagense sp. nov.; clinical relevance evaluated in 17 patients
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2009; 59(4):845-9

Ingen J van ; Al-Hajoj SAM ; Boeree M ; Al-Rabiah F ; Enaimi M ; Zwaan R de ; Tortoli E ; Dekhuijzen PNR ; Soolingen D van
Mycobacterium riyadhense sp. nov., a non-tuberculous species identified as Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex by a commercial line-probe assay
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2009; 59(5):1049-53

Ingen J van ; Boeree MJ ; Kosters K ; Wieland A ; Tortili E ; Dekhuijzen PNR ; Soolingen D van
Proposal to elevate Mycobacterium avium complex ITS sequevar MAC-Q to Mycobacterium vulneris sp. nov.
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2009; 59(9):2277-82

Anthony RM ; Cobelens FGJ ; Gebhard A ; Klatsen PR ; Lumb R ; Rusch-Gerdes S ; Soolingen D van
Liquid culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis: proceed, but with caution
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Buu TN ; Huyen MN ; Lan NTN ; Quy HT ; Hen NV ; Zignol M ; Borgdorff MW ; Cobelens FGJ ; Soolingen D van
The Beijing genotype is associated with young age and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in rural Vietnam
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2009; 13(7):900-6

Zwart D de ; Posthuma L ; Gevrey M ; Ohe PC van der ; Deckere E de
Diagnosis of ecosystem impairment in a multiple-stress content. How to formulate effective river basin management plans
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Brack W ; Posthuma L ; Hein M ; Ohe P von der
European river basins at risk
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Bispo A ; Cluzeau D ; Creamer R ; Dombos M ; Graefe U ; Krogh PH ; Sousa JP ; Peres G ; Rutgers M ; Winding A ; Rombke J
Indicators for monitoring soil biodiversity
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Gobas FAPC ; Wolf W de ; Burkhard LP ; Verbruggen E ; Plotzke K
Revisiting bioaccumulation criteria for POPs and PBT assessments
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Brack W ; Apitz SE ; Borchardt D ; Brils J ; Cristina C ; Foekema EM ; Gils J van ; Jansen B ; Harris M ; Hein M ; Heise S ; Hellsten S ; Maagd PGJ de ; Muller D ; Panov VE ; Posthuma L ; Quevauviller P ; Verdonschot PFM ; Ohe PC von der
Towards a holistic and risk-based management of European river basis
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Krystek P ; Ritsema R
Validation assessment about the determination of selected elements in groundwater by high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectometry (HR-ICPMS)
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Comparison of effects of chemical and microbial biocontrol agents on non-target microbial soil organisms
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Children's annoyance reactions to aircraft and road traffic noise
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Response to a change in transport noise exposure: competing explanations of change effects
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Response to a change in transport noise exposure: a review of evidence of a change effect
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Time trends and regional differences in the prevalence of hiv infection among women attending antenatal clinics in 2 provinces in Cameroon
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Scholtens S ; Wijga AH ; Seidell JC ; Brunekreef B ; Jongste JC de ; Gehring U ; Postma DS ; Kerkhof M ; Smit HA
Overweight and changes in weight status during childhood in relation to asthma symptoms at 8 years of age
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Caudri D ; Wijga A ; Schipper CMA ; Hoekstra M ; Postma DS ; Koppelman GH ; Brunekereef B ; Smit HA ; Jongste J de
Predicting the long-term prognosis of childeren with symptoms suggestive of asthma at preschool age
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009; 124(5):903-10

Scholtens S ; Wijga AH ; Brunekreef B ; Smit HA
Reply to 'Overweight: no association with asthma or bronchial reactivity in children'
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009; 124(5):1119-20

Verhoeff-Bakkenes L ; Hazeleger WC ; Jonge R de ; Zwietering MH
Campylobacter jejuni: a study on environmental conditions affecting culturability and in vitro adhesion/invasion
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Rutjes SA ; Lodder WJ ; Docters van Leeuwen A ; Roda Husman AM de
Detection of infectious rotavirus in naturally contaminated source waters for drinking water production
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Wijnands LM ; Pielaat A ; Dufrenne JB ; Zwietering MH ; Leusden FM van
Modelling the number of viable vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus passing through the stomach
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Ingen J van ; Zwaan R de ; Dekhuijzen R ; Boeree M ; Soolingen D van
Region of difference 1 in nontuberculous Mycobacterium species adds a phylogenetic and taxonomical character
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Huet G ; Constant P ; Malaga W ; Laneelle MA ; Kremer K ; Soolingen D van ; Daffe M ; Guilhot C
A lipid profile typifies the Beijing strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Identification of a mutation responsible for a modification of the structures of phthiocerol dimycocerosates and phenolic glycolipids
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